White House off Main
Affectionately called “The Sherpa House,” this 1910 cottage located in the heart of the Village of Monteagle is completely renovated on the interior from the ground up. With a one-of-a-kind porch, galley kitchen, family-feel dining room viewing a peaceful secret garden patio, and cozy gathering room with a striking audiovisual nook makes the expression “WOW” predictable!
This house has the historic mountain charm but with plenty of new features and stately original heart-of-pine and cypress wood accents. Furnished with new beds, bedding, and towels to meet the needs of our Sherpas, there is so much more to appreciate. The magnificent old silver maple, elm (yes, elm) and towering pine tree adorn the corner yard. Plenty of parking is available. The WHoM is within easy walking distance of the Mountain Goat Market and other Main Street vendors.
P: (615) 294-4748 / (615) 504-3132